Opentelemetry | Datadog

Unify your OpenTelemetry and Datadog experience with the embedded OTel Collector in the Agent

The Datadog Agent now embeds a fully configurable OpenTelemetry (OTel) Collector. Learn how you can take ...

Enhance your visibility into OTel-instrumented apps in AWS Lambda

Learn how Datadog provides rich insights into serverless app performance using your existing OpenTelemetry ...

Ingest OpenTelemetry logs with the Datadog Agent

Learn how to use the Datadog Agent to directly ingest OTLP logs from your OpenTelemetry-instrumented ...

Monitor runtime metrics from OTel-instrumented apps with Datadog APM

Learn how to visualize and monitor runtime metrics from your OpenTelemetry-instrumented applications.

Monitor OTel-instrumented apps with support for W3C Trace Context

Learn how Datadog's support for W3C industry standards enables you to gain full-stack visibility into your ...

Correlate Datadog RUM events with traces from OTel-instrumented applications

Learn how added support for W3C and B3 headers helps you gain full-stack visibility into your ...

Datadog's commitment to OpenTelemetry and the open source community

Learn about Datadog's support for the OpenTelemetry project and our contributions to the open source ...

Forward logs from the OpenTelemetry Collector with the Datadog Exporter

Add the Datadog Exporter to your OpenTelemetry pipeline to collect and correlate logs and traces.

Send metrics and traces from OpenTelemetry Collector to Datadog via Datadog Exporter

Learn how the OpenTelemetry Collector Datadog Exporter enables you to monitor metrics and traces in Datadog ...

Ingest OpenTelemetry traces and metrics with the Datadog Agent

The Datadog Agent supports OpenTelemetry Protocol, enabling you to reliably ingest telemetry from apps that ...

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry sends metrics and traces to Datadog

The AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry enables customers to send telemetry data to any supported backend service, ...

Instrument your Python applications with Datadog and OpenTelemetry

Learn how to instrument your Python applications with Datadog's exporter for OpenTelemetry.

The future of tracing is open

Datadog is pleased to contribute our tracing libraries to the OpenTelemetry project to advance open source, ...
