Monitoring AWS With MongoDB and Datadog | Datadog

Monitoring AWS with MongoDB and Datadog

Datadog and MongoDB enable AWS customers to monitor the health of their databases from a single place with capabilities like proactive alerting and customizable dashboards.

Monitoring AWS with MongoDB and Datadog

Datadog and MongoDB enable AWS customers to monitor the health of their databases from a single place with capabilities like proactive alerting and customizable dashboards.

Every organization needs a flexible, scalable database to create and manage modern applications. Understanding database health is essential to ensure high application performance, reliability, and a seamless user experience. With Datadog’s MongoDB integrations, AWS customers can integrate database metrics directly in Datadog dashboards for a more complete visualization of what’s happening across their MongoDB platform. By correlating MongoDB with full-stack telemetry, you’ll get better visibility, stay ahead of issues with automated alerts, and more easily troubleshoot issues to ensure seamless application performance—all from a single place.

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