Datadog Monitoring and Unified Observability | Datadog

Datadog Unified Observability and Security

Gain complete visibility into any dynamic environment. Unify and correlate data from disparate sources, rapidly resolve performance issues, and secure your cloud environment in real-time.


800+ Turn-Key Integrations, Including

Product Features

Resolve Application Performance Issues Faster

  • Eliminate errors and reduce latency with end-to-end distributed tracing, automatically correlated with metrics, logs, and other telemetry
  • Detect the most time-consuming and resource-intensive code lines in production with a lightweight, always-on code profiler
  • Optimize database and query performance at scale with active connection by wait event, query metrics, and explain plans
  • Instantly discover, catalog, and monitor every service in real time—without changing a single line of code

Automatically Surface Issues within Your Infrastructure

  • Monitor all your cloud services, hosts, containers, serverless functions, and databases in one place with 800+ vendor-backed integrations
  • Analyze network traffic flows across your cloud infrastructure, private data centers, applications, third-party endpoints, and more
  • Control your cloud spend and identify optimization opportunities by unifying cost data with performance metrics
  • Automatically detect infrastructure performance anomalies and notify your teams using Watchdog

Easily Manage Your Logs within a Unified Platform

  • See log data in full context with auto-tagging and real-time correlation with relevant metrics and traces
  • Rapidly troubleshoot with automatically surfaced anomalies and log patterns while pivoting from logs to triggered security signals
  • Prevent sensitive data leakage with Datadog's out-of-the-box or custom scanners
  • Ingest and process all logs cost-effectively with the flexibility to route noisy data to low-cost storage and rehydrate when needed

Full-Stack Security Across Apps, Workloads, and Infrastructure

  • Ingest, normalize, and enrich logs, as well as third-party security alerts, to detect threats and accelerate investigations
  • Enable real-time threat detection and continuous configuration audits across your entire multi-cloud infrastructure
  • Continuously ship secure software with security insights at all levels, from network to code

Resolve Issues Before Users Are Impacted

  • Proactively uncover and troubleshoot user-facing incidents before your customers are impacted with fully hosted, automated synthetic tests
  • Collect 100 percent of your user sessions (no sampling) and receive actionable alerts in real time with real user monitoring
  • See what your user sees, without having to reproduce errors, by watching replays connected directly to Error Tracking Issues
  • Discover in-depth insights into end user behavior across web applications with critical performance data, including Core Web Vitals

Loved & Trusted by Thousands

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