Tagging Best Practices Guide | Datadog

Tagging Best Practices Guide

Organize complex data streams, and quickly search, aggregate, and pivot between data points with Datadog.

Tagging Best Practices Guide

Organize complex data streams, and quickly search, aggregate, and pivot between data points with Datadog.

Most modern platforms like Kubernetes, AWS Fargate, Google Cloud Run, and Azure Container Instances (ACI) create dynamic environments by quickly spinning up instances or containers with significantly shorter lifespans than physical hosts. In these environments, where large-scale applications can be distributed across multiple ephemeral containers or instances, tagging is essential to monitoring services and underlying infrastructure. Monitoring these complex systems can quickly become ineffective without proper tagging.

In this guide, you’ll learn how Datadog Tagging enables you to:

  • Collect all available metadata from your infrastructure
  • Correlate all of your data and troubleshoot faster
  • Add scope to your applications
  • Categorize services by function
  • Assign owners to services with tags
  • Troubleshoot issues easier with tags

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