Microservice Visualization | Datadog

Microservice Visualization

Visualize microservices at scale and analyze application performance with Datadog

It is critical to visualize microservices and their dependencies across your entire environment as you modernize your architecture and move workloads to the cloud. Datadog’s unified platform allows you to visualize your stack using a single pane of glass, reducing blind spots and speeding up troubleshooting.


700+ 以上のすぐに使えるインテグレーション

Visualize dynamic microservices in real time

Analyze your infrastructure and services from a bird’s eye view.


Host and Container Maps

Visualize the status of your servers or containers in a single view.


Synchronized Dashboards

Track incidents across metrics with a common tagging structure.


Service Map

Map application data flows and dependencies in real-time.


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Microservice Visualization Resources

Use these resources to learn microservice visualization best practices.

Microservices Monitoring with Datadog

Microservices and Container Research