Performance | Datadog

Save up to 14 percent CPU with continuous profile-guided optimization for Go

Learn how Datadog's PGO tool enables you to reduce the CPU usage of your Go workloads by up to 14 percent, and ...

How We Brought Datadog's Data Visualization to iOS: A Focus on Performance

Learn how we built an internal graphing library to support data visualization in iOS using Swift and SwiftUI.

Understanding Request Latency with Profiling

Learn how to use Datadog’s Java wallclock profiler to reduce latency in a Java application.

Announcing Support for AWS Lambda Functions running on AWS Graviton2 processors

Learn how Datadog can help you monitor the performance of AWS Lambda functions on Graviton2—and determine ...

How We Minimized the Overhead of Kubernetes in our Job System

Solving performance problems when moving an application to Kubernetes

Using Datadog APM to improve the performance of Homebrew

Using Datadog to find performance bottlenecks, and contrasting tentative solutions using performance ...

The Meltdown/Spectre saga: The impact across millions of cores

Data from millions of cores monitored by Datadog shows widespread impacts of the security patches.

Protobuf parsing in Python

Recently we extended the Datadog Agent to support extracting additional metrics from Kubernetes using the ...

Announcing next-generation APM

To troubleshoot modern applications, you need to understand both the code and the infrastructure

How to monitor Elasticsearch performance

In this post, we'll cover how Elasticsearch works, and explore the key performance metrics that you should ...

How to monitor Hadoop metrics

Learn how to track Hadoop performance metrics.

Top 5 ways to improve your AWS EC2 performance

Learn about the five most common EC2 performance issues, why they occur, how to detect them, and best ...

How Connectifier unfroze MongoDB with Datadog

Learn how Connectifier uses Datadog to monitor MongoDB performance metrics and keep their infrastructure ...

How to monitor Cassandra performance metrics

Learn to monitor Cassandra performance metrics including request throughput, latency, disk usage, and more for ...

Top ELB health and performance metrics

ELB performance is critical to any scalable infrastructure as the first gateway between users and your ...

How Medium monitors DynamoDB performance

In this article we share with you DynamoDB lessons that Medium learned over the last few years, and discuss ...

Top DynamoDB performance metrics

In order to correctly provision your DynamoDB machines, and to keep them running smoothly, it is important to ...

How to monitor Redis performance metrics

Learn about the key metrics to track when monitoring Redis.

How to monitor NGINX

Monitoring NGINX, part 1 of 3. Monitor NGINX with these key metrics to detect performance issues in your web ...

Track detailed run-time performance data with mParticle and Datadog

Learn now to create a complete, unified view of system activity and performance that encompasses mobile, ...

GopherCon India talk - Go faster: optimizing Go programs

In this video, Software Engineer and Gopher, Jason Moiron describes various optimization techniques Datadog ...

Crossing Streams: a love letter to Go io.Reader

The Go io.reader allows for better control buffering resulting in faster code that uses less memory. Learn ...

Speed up your web applications with Memcached monitoring

In this blog, learn how to optimize web applications with focused Memcached monitoring.

Go Performance Tales

Looking for performance tips for Go applications? In this blog, read about one software engineer's quest to ...

100x faster Postgres performance by changing 1 line

Use these step-by-step instructions to monitor slow Postgres queries to improve Postgres performance. Learn ...

Understanding AWS stolen CPU and how it affects your apps

Is AWS stolen CPU causing your AWS EBS Performance issues? Learn how to detect and resolve CPU stolen-related ...

AWS EBS latency and IOPS: The surprising truth

Performance issues with Amazon Web Services' Elastic Block Storage (EBS) are complex. Learn how to detect and ...

Detecting AWS EBS performance issues with Datadog

Learn how to detect and resolve AWS EBS performance issues.

Getting optimal performance with AWS EBS Provisioned IOPS

Optimize your AWS EBS performance by using Provisioned IOPS. Learn more!

Amazon hiccups, mayhem ensues

Amazon hiccups, mayhem ensues
