Monitoring Guide | Datadog

Key metrics for monitoring AWS WAF

Learn about key metrics for monitoring how well your AWS web application firewalls manage traffic and prevent ...

Tools for collecting AWS WAF data

Learn how you can collect and analyze AWS WAF metrics and logs using AWS's suite of monitoring tools.

Monitor AWS WAF activity with Datadog

Learn how you can collect and monitor AWS WAF activity with Datadog.

Key metrics for monitoring etcd

Learn which etcd metrics can help you understand cluster performance.

Tools for collecting etcd metrics and logs

Learn the tools you can use to collect metrics and logs from your etcd clusters.

How to monitor etcd with Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog to monitor etcd metrics and logs.

​​Key metrics for CoreDNS monitoring

Monitor these CoreDNS metrics to optimize the performance of your Kubernetes clusters.

​​Tools for collecting metrics and logs from CoreDNS

Learn the tools you can use to collect metrics and logs from CoreDNS.

How to monitor CoreDNS with Datadog

Monitor the performance of your CoreDNS service and the infrastructure it runs on.

Key metrics for monitoring Cilium

Learn about the key metrics for monitoring the health of your Cilium-managed pods and network.

Monitor Cilium and Kubernetes performance with Hubble

Learn how Hubble provides visibility into the health and performance of your Cilium-managed Kubernetes ...

Monitor Cilium-managed infrastructure with Datadog

Learn how Datadog enables you to monitor the health and performance of your Cilium infrastructure and network.

Key metrics for monitoring Azure SQL databases

Learn about the key metrics you need to monitor in order to fully understand the health and performance of ...

Monitor Azure SQL databases with Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog to monitor the health and performance of your Azure SQL Database instances and pools.

Tools for collecting Azure SQL Database data

Learn how you can use Azure's suite of tools to collect and query data from your Azure SQL databases.

Secure HashiCorp Vault with Datadog Cloud SIEM

Learn about HashiCorp Vault security threats and how to detect them with Datadog.

Amazon EFS monitoring tools

Learn to use Amazon EFS monitoring tools to collect EFS metrics and logs.

EFS Monitoring with Datadog

EFS monitoring with Datadog gives you deep visibility into EFS and other AWS services.

Key metrics for monitoring Amazon EFS

Track these EFS metrics to ensure the performance of your file systems and applications.

Monitor HashiCorp Vault metrics and logs

A deep dive into the key metrics and logs for monitoring the health and performance of HashiCorp Vault.

Tools for HashiCorp Vault monitoring

Learn how to use HashiCorp Vault's built-in tools to view key cluster metrics and logs.

How to monitor HashiCorp Vault with Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog to monitor HashiCorp Vault metrics and logs.

AWS Fargate monitoring with Datadog

Monitor your Fargate-based ECS and EKS clusters with Datadog.

How to collect metrics and logs from AWS Fargate workloads

Collect ECS Fargate and EKS Fargate metrics and logs with these tools.

Key metrics for monitoring AWS Fargate

Learn the key metrics for monitoring containers running on AWS Fargate.

Key metrics for monitoring VMware vSphere

Learn which metrics to monitor for full visibility into the health and performance of your vSphere environment.

How to collect VMware vSphere metrics

Learn what tools you can use to gain visibility into your vSphere infrastructure.

How to monitor vSphere with Datadog

Use Datadog to visualize and alert on every layer of your vSphere infrastructure.

How to monitor istiod

Get full visibility into the new, monolithic versions of Istio.

OpenShift monitoring with Datadog

Learn how to get full visibility into your OpenShift clusters with Datadog.

OpenShift monitoring tools

Learn how to use the OpenShift web console and CLI tool to collect key cluster metrics and logs.

Key metrics for OpenShift monitoring

Monitor the health, performance, and scalability of your OpenShift clusters with these key metrics.

Key metrics for monitoring AWS Lambda

Get visibility into the performance of your AWS Lambda functions with these key metrics.

Monitoring AWS Lambda with Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog to collect metrics, traces, and logs from your AWS Lambda functions.

Tools for collecting AWS Lambda data

Learn how you can use Amazon CloudWatch to collect and query data from your AWS Lambda functions.

Key metrics for monitoring Istio

Use these metrics to get full visibility into your Istio service mesh.

Istio monitoring tools

Use these built-in monitoring tools to start gathering data from your Istio deployment.

How to monitor Istio with Datadog

Get full visibility into your Istio service mesh with Datadog.

Collecting metrics with built-in Kubernetes monitoring tools

Learn how to collect and visualize Kubernetes metrics and logs with free, open source tools.

Monitoring Kubernetes with Datadog

Learn how to monitor Kubernetes clusters with Datadog's built-in dashboards and alerts.

Analyzing Amazon MQ performance with Datadog

Use Datadog to collect Amazon MQ metrics and logs, and to monitor your brokers and destinations.

Collecting Amazon MQ metrics and logs

Collect and query Amazon MQ metrics via Amazon CloudWatch and the ActiveMQ Web Console.

How to monitor Amazon MQ

Learn the key metrics you should monitor to know that your Amazon MQ infrastructure is healthy.

Key metrics for monitoring Consul

Use these key metrics to make sure Consul is giving your clusters access to up-to-date information.

Consul monitoring tools

See your overall Consul cluster status, then go deeper with telemetry sinks, logging, and profiling.

How to monitor Consul with Datadog

Monitor metrics and logs from all of your Consul hosts in a single platform with Datadog.

Key metrics for Amazon EKS monitoring

Get visibility into the performance and scalability of your Amazon EKS cluster with these key metrics.

Tools for collecting Amazon EKS metrics

Learn how to gather Kubernetes cluster and AWS service metrics from your EKS infrastructure.

Monitoring your EKS cluster with Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog to collect EKS cluster logs, metrics, and request traces.

Key ECS metrics to monitor

Understand both your ECS resource use and the status of ECS deployments with these key metrics.

Tools for ECS monitoring

Learn how to collect ECS resource and status metrics, from CloudWatch to your standard Docker toolkit.

Monitoring ECS with Datadog

Use Datadog to get visibility into ECS, and the services running on it, all on one platform.

Analyzing Tomcat logs and metrics with Datadog

Learn how to monitor and analyze Tomcat logs and metrics with Datadog.

Collecting metrics with Tomcat monitoring tools

Learn how to use Tomcat monitoring tools like JConsole and JavaMelody to collect and visualize key metrics ...

Key metrics for monitoring Tomcat

Learn about the Tomcat architecture and the key Tomcat performance metrics that you should monitor.

ActiveMQ architecture and key metrics

Understand the architecture and key metrics of ActiveMQ Classic and Artemis.

Collecting ActiveMQ metrics

Learn about the tools that you can use to collect ActiveMQ metrics.

Monitoring ActiveMQ with Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog to monitor ActiveMQ metrics and logs.

Pivotal Platform architecture

Dive into the key components that make up a Pivotal Platform deployment.

Key metrics for monitoring Pivotal Platform

Keep your cluster running smoothly by tracking these key Pivotal Platform metrics.

Collecting Pivotal Platform logs and metrics

Learn about tools operators and developers can use to view and collect Pivotal Platform logs and metrics.

Pivotal Platform Monitoring with Datadog

Learn how to get visibility into your Pivotal Platform cluster and applications with Datadog.

Key IIS metrics to monitor

Learn how to monitor IIS performance and availability.

Collecting metrics with IIS monitoring tools

Learn how to collect IIS performance metrics.

IIS monitoring with Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog for IIS monitoring.

Key metrics for SQL Server monitoring

SQL Server monitoring can help you keep your batches fast and your connections alive.

SQL Server monitoring tools

Use these SQL Server monitoring tools to get detailed views of performance and resource use.

Monitor SQL Server performance with Datadog

Spot SQL Server performance issues using metrics, tracing, and log management.

Custom SQL Server metrics for detailed monitoring

Gather custom SQL Server metrics with performance counters and the WMI integration.

Key metrics for Amazon RDS PostgreSQL monitoring

Learn how to identify and track key metrics for Amazon RDS PostgreSQL monitoring in this guide.

Collecting RDS metrics from PostgreSQL databases

How to query RDS metrics from CloudWatch and directly from the PostgreSQL database engine.

PostgreSQL RDS monitoring with Datadog

In this post, we'll show you how set up PostgreSQL RDS monitoring with Datadog.

Collecting Amazon EBS metrics

Learn how to query and collect key Amazon EBS resource metrics.

Key metrics for Amazon EBS monitoring

Identify and monitor key metrics for your Amazon EBS volumes.

Monitoring Amazon EBS volumes with Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog to monitor Amazon EBS metrics.

Key metrics for RabbitMQ monitoring

With RabbitMQ monitoring, see how your messaging setup affects your system and holds up to demand.

Collecting metrics using RabbitMQ monitoring tools

For tracking the performance of your messaging setup, check out these RabbitMQ monitoring tools.

Monitoring RabbitMQ performance with Datadog

See your RabbitMQ performance metrics in the context of your infrastructure with Datadog.

Key metrics for EC2 monitoring

Identify and monitor key performance metrics for your Amazon EC2 instances.

How to collect EC2 metrics

Learn how to query and collect key EC2 resource metrics and status checks.

How to monitor EC2 instances with Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog to monitor Amazon EC2 metrics.

Key metrics for PostgreSQL monitoring

Learn how to identify and track key PostgreSQL performance metrics in this monitoring guide.

Collecting metrics with PostgreSQL monitoring tools

Learn how to query and collect key PostgreSQL activity metrics.

How to collect and monitor PostgreSQL data with Datadog

In this post, we'll show you how to use Datadog to monitor key PostgreSQL metrics.

Alerting 101: Status checks

Learn how to use status checks on hosts, services, processes, and network endpoints to generate actionable ...

Alerting 101: Timeseries metric checks

Learn how metric checks can help you monitor the health and performance of your infrastructure and ...

How to collect Apache performance metrics

Learn how to collect metrics from your web servers, using native and open source tools.

How to monitor Apache web server with Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog to monitor Apache web server metrics.

Monitoring Apache web server performance

In this post, we'll explore how Apache works, and discuss the key performance metrics that you should monitor.

How to collect Google Compute Engine metrics

Learn how to collect key GCE metrics.

Monitoring Google Compute Engine metrics

Identify and track Google Compute Engine's key performance metrics

How to monitor Google Compute Engine with Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog to collect Google Compute Engine metrics.

Monitoring in the Kubernetes era

Learn how container orchestration changes your approach to monitoring.

Monitoring Kubernetes pod performance metrics

Learn about key Kubernetes metrics for tracking orchestrated, containerized infrastructure.

How to collect Windows Server 2012 metrics

Windows offers numerous, powerful tools for collecting, visualizing, and alerting on performance counters, ...

Monitoring Windows Server 2012 with Datadog

You've read about the key metrics, events, and services to monitor in Windows Server 2012, now read how to ...

Monitoring Windows Server 2012

Windows provides a wealth of performance data. In this article we detail the metrics, events, and services to ...

How to collect Elasticsearch metrics

In this post, we'll show you a few of the tools you can use to collect and monitor key Elasticsearch ...

How to monitor Elasticsearch performance

In this post, we'll cover how Elasticsearch works, and explore the key performance metrics that you should ...

How to monitor Elasticsearch with Datadog

You've learned about the key Elasticsearch metrics, and how to collect them natively. Now see how easy it is ...

How to solve 5 Elasticsearch performance and scaling problems

This article will walk through five common Elasticsearch performance issues, and how to deal with them.

Hadoop architectural overview

Learn the core components of a Hadoop architecture.

How to collect Hadoop metrics

Learn how to collect Hadoop cluster metrics.

How to monitor Hadoop metrics

Learn how to track Hadoop performance metrics.

How to monitor Hadoop with Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog to monitor your Hadoop cluster.

Metric graphs 101: Graphing anti-patterns

In this post, we explore three ways that metric graphs are commonly misused and then suggest better solutions ...

Collecting MongoDB metrics and statistics

Learn to use built in utilities and commands to collect MongoDB data.

How to monitor MongoDB performance with Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog for comprehensive MongoDB monitoring.

Monitoring MongoDB performance metrics (MMAP)

Learn how to monitor the MongoDB MMAPv1 storage engine.

Monitoring MongoDB performance metrics (WiredTiger)

Learn how to monitor the MongoDB WiredTiger storage engine.

Collecting MySQL statistics and metrics

Learn how to monitor MySQL server status variables for high-level summary metrics, plus access the performance ...

Monitoring MySQL performance metrics

A guide to the key metrics for MySQL and its default storage engine, InnoDB. Learn to track latency, ...

MySQL monitoring with Datadog

For total visibility into your database\u2019s health and performance, you need a monitoring system that ...

Collecting Kafka performance metrics

Learn to collect key performance metrics from Kafka and ZooKeeper.

Monitoring Kafka performance metrics

Monitor Kafka's key performance metrics to keep your cluster running smoothly at high throughput.

Monitoring Kafka with Datadog

Learn to use Datadog to collect metrics, logs, and distributed request traces from Kafka and ZooKeeper.

How Lithium monitors OpenStack

Lithium developers relied on the Horizon interface and command line tools to access OpenStack metrics. See how ...

How iHeartRadio monitors Docker performance

There was just one thing about Docker performance that made iHeartRadio unhappy: they had no visibility into ...

Collecting metrics and notifications from OpenStack Nova

This article shows you how to collect OpenStack metrics from a variety of sources to give you a complete view ...

Monitor OpenStack with Datadog

Datadog's OpenStack monitoring lets you visualize, alert, and correlate metrics across your entire ...

Monitoring OpenStack Nova

In this series of posts we dive into monitoring OpenStack Nova, the OpenStack Compute module, and explain its ...

Collecting ElastiCache metrics + its Redis/Memcached metrics

This article covers three different ways to access ElastiCache metrics from AWS CloudWatch, as well as the ...

How Coursera monitors ElastiCache and Memcached performance

Go behind the scenes with Coursera's engineering team to learn best practices for using ElastiCache, keeping ...

Monitoring ElastiCache performance metrics with Redis or Memcached

Optimizing your ElastiCache performance can significantly increase your application's performance and user ...

How to collect Cassandra metrics

Users can view key Cassandra metrics via nodetool on the command line, via the JConsole GUI, or via any ...

How to monitor Cassandra performance metrics

Learn to monitor Cassandra performance metrics including request throughput, latency, disk usage, and more for ...

Monitoring Cassandra with Datadog

Monitoring Cassandra with Datadog allows you to start capturing dozens of key metrics, graphing them, and ...

How to collect Aurora metrics

Collect all the Aurora metrics you need for production database monitoring, both from AWS CloudWatch and from ...

Monitor Aurora using Datadog

This tutorial shows you how to connect and monitor Aurora on RDS with Datadog for comprehensive alerting and ...

Monitoring Amazon Aurora performance metrics

Learn how monitoring Amazon Aurora can help your infrastructure performance. Track key metrics on query ...

How to collect Docker metrics

Learn how to collect Docker metrics via three mechanisms: pseudo-files in sysfs, the stats command, and API.

How to monitor Docker resource metrics

Docker resources like CPU, memory, I/O, and network are controlled by cgroups, so Docker resource metrics are ...

How to collect HAProxy metrics

Once you've figured out what to monitor, it's time to collect HAProxy metrics! Use either HAProxy's built-in ...

Monitor HAProxy with Datadog

Go beyond ad-hoc metric inspection and monitor HAProxy with Datadog to integrate and correlate metrics across ...

Monitoring HAProxy performance metrics

Effectively manage your load balancer with this deep dive into monitoring HAProxy's performance metrics.

The Docker monitoring problem

Docker is taking the infrastructure world by storm. But, Docker monitoring can be significantly more difficult ...

How to collect RDS MySQL metrics

Collect MYSQL metrics as well as Cloudwatch metrics for a comprehensive view of RDS performance. This post ...

Monitor RDS MySQL using Datadog

Go beyond ad hoc metric inspection with a monitoring system that integrates and correlates RDS metrics with ...

Monitoring RDS MySQL performance metrics

Users have access to hundreds of RDS MySQL performance metrics, but it's not easy to tell what you should ...

How to collect AWS ELB metrics

We explain three ways to access ELB metrics easily and how using access logs can aid in investigating specific ...

Monitor ELB performance with Datadog

Datadog lets you collect and view ELB metrics, access their historical evolution, and slice and dice them ...

Top ELB health and performance metrics

ELB performance is critical to any scalable infrastructure as the first gateway between users and your ...

How Medium monitors DynamoDB performance

In this article we share with you DynamoDB lessons that Medium learned over the last few years, and discuss ...

How to collect DynamoDB metrics

This part of the article is all about collecting native DynamoDB metrics, available exclusively through ...

Top DynamoDB performance metrics

In order to correctly provision your DynamoDB machines, and to keep them running smoothly, it is important to ...

How to collect Redis metrics

Learn how to collect redis-cli, latency, and memory metrics.

How to monitor Redis performance metrics

Learn about the key metrics to track when monitoring Redis.

Monitor Redis using Datadog

Learn how to use Datadog to monitor Redis metrics, traces, and logs.

How to collect Azure metrics

There are at least three main ways to access metrics from Microsoft Azure VMs: you can graph and monitor Azure ...

How to monitor Microsoft Azure VMs

Monitor Azure metrics at a VM level, whether you run Linux or Windows on Azure, to make sure that your servers ...

Monitor Azure VMs using Datadog

Monitor your Azure performance with Datadog and easily collect, view, and correlate metrics from across your ...

How to collect Varnish metrics

Monitoring Varnish, part 2 of 3. This post will show you how to access Varnish metrics.

Monitor Varnish using Datadog

Monitoring Varnish, part 3 of 3. This post will show you how to quickly and properly monitor Varnish using ...

Top Varnish performance metrics

Monitoring Varnish, part 1 of 3. This post introduces the key Varnish performance metrics you can monitor to ...

How to collect NGINX metrics

Monitoring NGINX, part 2 of 3. This post will show you how to configure NGINX to report metrics, and how to ...

How to monitor NGINX

Monitoring NGINX, part 1 of 3. Monitor NGINX with these key metrics to detect performance issues in your web ...

How to monitor NGINX with Datadog

Monitoring NGINX, part 3 of 3. This post will show you how to quickly and properly monitor NGINX performance ...
