Microsoft | Datadog

Recapping Microsoft Build 2024

A recap of the biggest new features from Microsoft Build 2024 from an observability perspective.

Optimize SQL Server performance with Datadog Database Monitoring

Detect and troubleshoot latch contention, tempdb, and stored procedures with Datadog DBM to improve database ...

Monitor Windows event logs with Datadog

Learn how Windows event logs can help you monitor your environment's security boundaries and provide ...

Monitor your AlwaysOn availability groups with Datadog Database Monitoring

Learn how you can optimize your AlwaysOn clusters to ensure they can efficiently handle failovers with Datadog ...

Collect GitHub audit logs and scanning alerts with Datadog

Learn how you can use Datadog to analyze your organization's GitHub activity and get alerted to code-level ...

Monitor your .NET apps with the Datadog extension for Azure App Service

Learn how the Datadog extension for Azure App Service lets you collect traces, custom metrics, and logs from ...

Deploy ASP.NET Core applications to Azure App Service

Learn how to automatically instrument your .NET Core applications deployed on Azure App Service.

Monitor containerized ASP.NET Core applications on AWS Fargate

Learn how to deploy instrumented .NET Core applications on AWS Fargate.

Monitor containerized ASP.NET Core applications with Datadog APM

Learn how to automatically instrument your .NET Core applications deployed on Linux or Window containers.

Datadog now supports cross-browser synthetic testing

Learn how Synthetic browser tests can help you deliver a consistent experience to Chrome, Firefox, and ...

Collect and monitor Microsoft 365 audit logs with Datadog

Learn how our integration gives you a deeper level of insight into the security and performance of your Microsoft 365 services.

Monitor Windows containers on Google Cloud with Datadog

Learn how you can use Datadog to monitor your containerized Windows applications deployed on Google Kubernetes ...

Troubleshoot .NET apps with auto-correlated traces and logs

Datadog automatically links your .NET logs and request traces, so you can get full context about user-facing ...

Monitor Microsoft Hyper-V with Datadog

Ensure Hyper-V hosts and virtual machines share resources efficiently with Datadog's latest integration.

.NET monitoring with Datadog APM and distributed tracing

Get deep visibility into your .NET applications with Datadog APM.

How to collect, customize, and analyze C# logs

Learn how to get more insights into your .NET applications by following these C# logging best practices.

Announcing Windows support in Datadog process monitoring

We're pleased to announce that Datadog's Live Process monitoring is now available for Windows.

Key metrics for SQL Server monitoring

SQL Server monitoring can help you keep your batches fast and your connections alive.

SQL Server monitoring tools

Use these SQL Server monitoring tools to get detailed views of performance and resource use.

Monitor SQL Server performance with Datadog

Spot SQL Server performance issues using metrics, tracing, and log management.

Custom SQL Server metrics for detailed monitoring

Gather custom SQL Server metrics with performance counters and the WMI integration.

Monitoring Windows Server 2012 with Datadog

You've read about the key metrics, events, and services to monitor in Windows Server 2012, now read how to ...

Monitoring Windows Server 2012

Windows provides a wealth of performance data. In this article we detail the metrics, events, and services to ...

Monitor Windows app metrics and events with Datadog’s WMI and Microsoft Event Viewer integrations

Datadog’s StatsD .NET port lets you import custom metrics from Windows applications for graphing, analysis, ...

Send custom events from your Microsoft .NET application

Events can now be sent straight from Microsoft .NET to DogStatsD. This allows you to correlate events ...

Introducing availability monitoring for Windows Services

Learn how you can have full visibility into Windows Services availability status (up or down) and can get ...

StatsD for .NET: DogStatsD

Alongside our Microsoft Event Viewer, IIS, and SQL Server integrations, you are now able to monitor custom ...
