Java Flamegraph | Datadog

Optimize applications with Java flamegraphs

Use Java flamegraphs to identify and troubleshoot bottlenecks in your services and code

Flamegraphs cut through the complexity introduced by applications built using microservices and different programming languages. Java flamegraphs help visualize service dependencies, span durations, as well as stack traces, to pinpoint the slowest requests and the most resource-consuming parts of your Java code. Use flamegraph to troubleshoot bottlenecks, optimize Java applications, improve user experience, and save on cloud costs with Datadog.


Next-Generation Application Performance Monitoring

Leverage Datadog APM to monitor and troubleshoot Java performance issues.



Auto-detect and surface performance problems without manual Java alert configuration.


App Analytics

Search, filter, and analyze Java stack traces at infinite cardinality.


Root Cause Analysis

Full stack correlation from synthetic tests to metrics, traces, and logs.


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