Code Profiling Tools | Datadog

Code Profiling Tools

Detect, analyze, and optimize slow and resource-consuming methods and classes in your production code with Datadog’s cutting edge code profiling tools.

Code profiling tools allow you to analyze the performance of your code by measuring the time it takes your methods to run and the amount of CPU and memory they consume. Datadog code profiling tools allow you to continuously profile your code in any environment, including production, with no impact to your application performance.


Modern APM and Code Profiling Tools

Proactively track and troubleshoot application performance.



Auto-detect and surface performance problems without manual alert configuration.


App Analytics

Search, filter, and analyze stack traces at infinite cardinality.


Root Cause Analysis

Full stack correlation from synthetic tests to metrics, traces, and logs.

Code Profiling Resources

Learn about Datadog code profiling tools.

Datadog Continous Profiler Starter Kit


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