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Dynamic Docker Monitoring

Enhance visibility into the performance of your entire containerized environment and investigate issues quickly. Start your trial today, create a dashboard, and we’ll send you a free Datadog t-shirt!

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750+ Turn-Key Integrations, Including

Product Benefits

Monitor Your Docker Containers More Effectively

  • Automatically detect and monitor your containers as quickly as they are created and destroyed
  • Easily analyze the health of all your containers distributed across any cloud environment in a single pane of glass with the cluster agent
  • Avoid resource contention and deficiency by drilling into individual containers running hot with 1 click
  • Collect, monitor, and visualize high-granularity metrics from all your containers at 15s. granularity for 15 months – including CPU, I/O, and memory

Gain Deeper Insights into Your Container Orchestration

  • Enhance visibility into container orchestration with the live container view
  • Optimize horizontal auto-scaling by connecting Datadog to your HPA and collecting request rate, latency, and available network bandwidth
  • Easily detect clusters over or under-allocating available resources via the auto-generated container map
  • Improve operational costs and reduce excess capacity based on high-granularity historical data

Troubleshoot Performance Issues Quickly and Minimize Downtime

  • Gain complete visibility into any Kubernetes environment, along with all of the applications running on it, with end-to-end tracing and continuous profiling
  • Easily verify that containers and services maintain high availability through dashboard reporting, synthetic tests, and App Analytics
  • Test hypotheses in seconds by overlaying Docker and container orchestration events onto time-synchronized graphs

Eliminate False-Positives and Receive Alerts for Only the Issues that Matter

  • Set up threshold and rate of change alerts for service-level metrics that won’t panic as containers scale down
  • Create smarter alerts that account for daily, weekly, and seasonal fluctuations
  • Proactively prevent outages and errors with forecasts on resource metrics such as CPU and memory
  • Automatically detect unanticipated anomalous events, outliers, and errors with Watchdog

Enhance Visibility with Datadog

  • Monitor your full stack in one place and create custom, drag-and-drop, real-time dashboards within seconds
  • Seamlessly navigate between your logs, infrastructure metrics, and application traces
  • Quickly deploy the agent across your entire cluster through our helm chart or daemonset
  • Automatically detect services running in Kubernetes clusters and monitor them no matter where they spin up

Track Changes in Your Containerized Infrastructure

  • Gain key insights into every container image used in your environment—and about your entire container image ecosystem
  • Understand large-scale trends in security posture and resource utilization with image-specific metric dashboards
  • Reduce costs by spotting cloud registries that you may be paying for but not actively using, as well as images that are taking up unnecessary disk space in your hosts

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