Datadog's Incident Management | Datadog

Automated Incident Management

Track and collaborate on incidents from start to finish all within a unified platform. No context switching or manual processes.


Product Benefits

Save Time, Money, and Resources Managing Incidents

  • Troubleshoot incidents faster by monitoring all of your data in one place; seamlessly pivot between metrics, traces, and logs to find the root cause
  • Simplify your incident management process with automated out-of-the-box workflows
  • Improve customer experience; reduce MTTR and downtime with simplified processes and centralized communication
  • Spend less time troubleshooting incidents and more time on product development

Receive Alerts from Any Technology All in One Place

  • Centralize all your critical signals from any application to investigate and track incidents
  • Leverage automatic integrations with the tools you already use
  • Unify alert data, SLOs, real time tracking widgets, and collaboration tools into one platform
  • Quickly declare incidents and start troubleshooting directly from triggered alerts, errors, and security signals

Solve Future Incidents Efficiently with Simplified Remediation & Postmortems

  • Automatically generate postmortem documentation with timelines and Datadog Notebooks to track progress and the outcomes of incidents
  • Resolve future incidents in full context with past incidents' readily-available postmortem documentation
  • Conduct root cause analyses faster with related anomalies, metrics, and stack traces grouped together automatically

Troubleshoot Incidents Faster with Better Communication

  • Manage incidents from detection to resolution within Datadog and our Slack app with no context switching
  • Bring in relevant people and teams instantly with tagging, roles, and real-time collaboration; collaborate in real time across teams in timelines and notebooks for tracking incidents’ progress
  • Notify stakeholders regarding any incident updates directly from Datadog; share data and notes to their preferred method of communication without leaving the platform

Synthesize All of Your Incident Data with the Click of a Button

  • Understand the severity of incidents and monitor the health of all your services with real-time, critical dashboards
  • View all of your incidents on timeboards, timelines, and dashboards; add notes with one click
  • Create, track, and report on the SLOs most critical to your business directly from preconfigured dashboards

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