Datadog Addresses Top AWS Performance Problems | Datadog
Datadog Addresses Top AWS Performance Problems

Datadog Addresses Top AWS Performance Problems

New eBook describes how to detect and resolve EC2 performance issues

New eBook describes how to detect and resolve EC2 performance issues

August 6, 2013

1:00 PM UTC

Published by Cision PR Web


Datadog, the SaaS-based monitoring and data analytics platform that provides a unified view of IT infrastructure, released today a troubleshooting guide for developers and system administrators using Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). In the new eBook, The Top 5 AWS EC2 Performance Problems, Datadog’s technical team details the top five EC2 performance issues and provides instructions on how to detect and remediate these problems.

For many developers and system administrators, AWS’ EC2 promises ease of deployment and instant scalability. However, EC2 also introduces significant changes to coding, deployment and application maintenance which makes this infrastructure behave differently from traditional on-premise servers. These differences lead to performance issues such as unpredictable EBS disk I/O, EC2 instance ECU mismatches, and ELB load balancing traffic latency. Applications running on AWS infrastructure that are affected by these issues experience a decrease in performance or downtime.

Datadog’s new eBook provides AWS EC2 administrators with an understanding of how AWS functions and why this infrastructure performs differently from traditional on-premise servers. The eBook then dives into top five AWS EC2 performance issues to explain:

Download a complimentary copy of the ebook.

Try a free trial of Datadog to get visibility into EC2 performance metrics and resolve the common issues.

About Datadog

Datadog unifies the data from servers, OS, databases, applications, tools and services to present a unified view of the infrastructure. These capabilities are provided on a SaaS-based monitoring and data analytics platform that enables Dev and Ops teams working collaboratively on the infrastructure to avoid downtime, resolve performance problems and ensure that development and deployment cycles finish on time.